Kentucky Automobile Dealers Association


Kentucky Automobile Dealer Services

Health insurance by dealers for dealers

KADA through its affiliate KADS, and in partnership with Integrum Advisors, is now directly offering insurance options to our members.

We realize that when it comes to health insurance and benefits, one size does not fit all. Through our partnership with Integrum Advisors, you will get a customized approach to maximize your benefits. Whatever your needs are, they’ll be able to create a comprehensive benefits plan that makes sense for your unique business model. Whether your organization is under 50 or over 500, your association offers a program that can help you navigate the complicated waters that are employee benefits.

More about these services:

Cost Containment

Get strategies that boost your bottom line and curb employee health expenses and company costs.

HR Technology Solutions

Identify and operate the technology you need to tackle your organization's unique challenges.


Learn how to implement healthcare reform effectively so you can achieve your business goals.

Communication & Education

Your workers will appreciate and value your investment through employee education and outreach.


Resolve claims and billing issues, so you and your employees focus less on paperwork and more on building your business.

Dealer Testimonials

KADS Board Members

Duke Brubaker
Champion Ford Lincoln Mazda

Kaitlyn Moore Cunningham
Moore Automotive

Shane Collins
Bill Collins Ford

Bill Conway
Conway Heaton Inc.

Chris Cottrell
Ray’s Ford CDJR