Kentucky Automobile Dealers Association

Past Webinars

Aura Webinar: Protecting Dealers & Consumers in a Cybercrime Targeted Industry

The automotive industry is under cyberattack, and the problem isn't new, and it definitely isn't going away. KADA Preferred Partner Aura, the industry’s leading Consumer Identity Theft/Fraud Protection service, has developed a brand new, low-cost/high impact program, enabling you to protect sensitive consumer data in a way that provides customer-facing value, and is applicable to ALL dealers— regardless of DMS or volume.

Reynolds & Reynolds LAW Webinar: Most Common Compliance Issues in F&I Documents

Keeping F&I documents up-to-date has never been more difficult. The ever-changing state and federal compliance requirements make the legal landscape nearly impossible to navigate. That’s why Reynolds Document Services invests substantial resources in monitoring legal regulations in addition to market needs and best practices. Learn about the LAW brand, their F&I Document Review, the five most common issues found in F&I documents.

Strategic Source Webinar: Reduce Supplies & Services Expenses by 25%

Most dealerships lose profits each month by overpaying for supplies and services. In fact, it's been found that dealerships will overspend on supplies and services by 25%. There are many reasons why this happens; broad scope of expense categories to cover (130+), a tactical approach, not enough staff, and no plan to reduce costs effectively. Learn how you can avoid overspending on supplies and services, and instead reduce costs and improve profitability in your dealership.

ACV Webinar: The Art & Science of the Appraisal

Appraisals are one of the most important areas in the dealership and are now more complex than ever before. Learn how to create a step-by-step game plan on improving the appraisal process. This will allow you to trade for more vehicles, retain more customers, create more loyalty and ultimately drive greater overall profitability for your business.

Dynatron Webinar: The Hidden Secret to Increasing Your CP Repair Revenue

Understanding how CP Maintenance and Repair work types cooperate is critical to increasing Service Department revenue. Watch this webinar and you will gain a deeper understanding of how to manage your CP business as 3 separate CP businesses, giving you the clarity needed to understand and improve ELR, Gross Profit, and Retention.

ACV Webinar: Getting Your Used Car Department in Shape

This webinar discusses how to get your used car department in shape, focusing on eight key areas that provide a plan of action.

MCAG Webinar: Visa/Mastercard Settlement Recovery Opportunity

This webinar invites you to learn more about MCAG's class action settlement recovery service and if you could be eligible to file a claim for the Visa/Mastercard Settlement.

Dealer Performance Group Webinar: Learn About the Latest in F&I

In this webinar we discuss the latest F&I products and tools that your dealership could be taking advantage of right now, including Pulse and Value Shield.